Does our current state of war have any effect on your writing?
目前的战争局势对你的写作有没有影响? |
Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament ?
我们求生的唯一希望就在于裁军吗? |
Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?
我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗? |
Does our reading group need a theme?
我们的读书会需不需要一个主旨? |
Does participant attrition occur and if so does it bias the sample?
如果样本需要完成多个任务,前期的任务是否会对后期的任务产生干扰? |
Does potting plants means treasuring ecosystem?
家养花草就是爱护生态吗? |
Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?
私立学校是不是会把公立学校最好的学生都挖走? |
Does profuse sweat mean better effect and higher speed of elimination of toxin?
出汗多是否意味排毒的速度较好较快? |
Does providing my realm preference guarantee my destination?
我选择了新的服务器后,保证就能转到那个新的去? |
Does public policy every accomplish anything worthwhile?
公共政策真能适当的解决问题? |
Does religion have a role to play in society today?
宗教在现代社会还有作用吗? |