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If you think about cartoons, you've probably seen cases where a character zips off screen leaving a puff of smoke.

If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again! 你要是以为我能把汽车借给你,你还是另打主意吧。
If you think Steve's being unfair to you, try to reason with him in a calm and collected way instead of flying into a temper. 如果你认为史蒂夫对你不公正,你要尽量镇静,与他据理力争,不要发脾气。
If you think a dent may have been patched up, use a magnet to see if it sticks to the suspect area. 如果你认为有一个凹痕有可能被补过,使用磁铁,看看是否在可疑区域内能被吸住。
If you think a person looks interesting, you can try this sentence to break the ice and strike up a conversation. 如果你觉得某个人看上去很能引起你的兴趣,你可以试着用这句话来打破沉默,展开谈话。
If you think a typical user will read the entire content of your Web pages, you are wrong. 如果你认为普通用户会整篇地阅读你网站的内容,那你就错了。
If you think about cartoons, you've probably seen cases where a character zips off screen leaving a puff of smoke. 如果你注意观察卡通片,你可能会遇到类似的情况,角色先是预备奔跑的样子,然后一溜烟地急速消失。
If you think about current human thought form, it is based on polarity or opposites. 如果你思考当前人类的思想形态,(就可以发现)它是被建立在极性和对立上的。
If you think an idea is really good, then just do not stop. Go ahead; keep selling it, because some of the greatest ideas were ideas that nobody wants it. 如果你认为一个想法很棒,不要却步。努力推销下去。一些了不起的念头最初未必受人赏识。
If you think and brainstorm in your native language, your essay will sound pretty much like a translating piece of work, and you might not be able to express yourself precisely. 倘若你用的是你自己的语言去构想的话﹑你的写作将会是一篇翻译过来的写作﹑而且还会有点词不达意的问题存在。
If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour. 假若认为耳聋有趣, 这种幽默感十分不当.
If you think education is expensive, think about how much ignorance is costing you. 如果你认为教育费用是昂贵的话,那就想想你由于无知所付出的代价有多大了吧!

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