French painter who was a leading exponent and theorist of the cubist movement.
布拉克,乔治斯1882-1963法国画家,是立体派的主要倡导者和理论家 |
French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people.
法国人在见面和告别时相互亲吻比英国人多。 |
French philosopher and mystic who viewed suffering as a means of unity with God. Her works include Waiting for God, published posthumously.
魏尔,西蒙尼1909-1943法国哲学家和神秘主义者,她认为受苦是一种与上帝结合的方式。她的作品包括她死后发表的等待上帝 |
French physicist Pierre Curie,a pioneer in the study of crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity, died at 47 on April 19, 1906.
法国物理学家皮埃尔·居里于1906年4月19日逝世,享年47岁。他是结晶学,磁学,压电现象和放射能领域的先锋。 |
French physicist. He won a1908 Nobel Prize for developing a method of reproducing colors by photography.
李普曼,加布里埃尔1845-1921法国物理学家,他因发展了利用摄影复制颜色的方法而获1908年诺贝尔奖 |
French physicist. He won a1908 Nobel Prize for developing a method of reproducing colors by photography.
在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。 |
French pianist, writer, and editor best known for Madame Curie(1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie.
居里,埃弗·丹尼斯生于1904法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说居里夫人(1937年)而闻名 |
French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum.
1911年的今天,法国诗人纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔因被怀疑从卢浮宫中偷窃名画《蒙娜·丽莎》而遭逮捕并入狱。 |
French royal family descended from Louis I, Duke of Bourbon(1270?-1342), whose members have ruled in France(1589-1793 and1814-1830), Spain(1700-1868, 1874-1931, and since1975), and Naples and Sicily(1734-1860).
波旁,查尔斯·德1490-1527神圣罗马帝国查理五世时的法国将军,领导过一次侵略法兰西遭致失败(1524年),在一次领导袭击罗马城的日耳曼-西班牙战争中阵亡 |
French scholars took the lead.
法国学者占据领先地位。 |
French sculptor noted for his large, classically influenced statues of female nudes.
马约尔,阿里斯蒂德1861-1944法国雕刻家,以其深受古典风格影响的裸女雕像而著名 |