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In international tax revenue, in inhabitant tax revenue jurisdiction inhabitantthe determination, is a sovereign state correctly exercises the tax revenue jurisdiction key to be at.

In internal communications — such as newsletters, bulletin boards, and memos — praise and encourage exemplary behavior both on and off the job. 在内部沟通时—例如时事通讯、布告栏和备忘录—赞许并鼓励工作上和工作外的模範行为。
In international air transport, if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been delivered, or if the baggage check does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 110 of this Law, the carrier shall not be 在国际航空运输中,承运人载运托运行李而不出具行李票的,或者行李票上未依照本法第一百一十条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。
In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, cargo is carried without an air waybill having been made out, or if the air waybill does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 115 of this Law, the carrier shall 在国际航空运输中,承运人同意未经填具航空货运单而载运货物的,或者航空货运单上未依照本法第一百一十五条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。
In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, the passenger embarks on a civil aircraft without a passenger ticket having been delivered, or if the ticket does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 110 of th 在国际航空运输中,承运人同意旅客不经其出票而乘坐民用航空器的,或者客票上未依照本法第一百一十条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。
In international politics, how a country rises often has more drastic consequences for the world than the fact of the rise itself. 在国际政治中,一个国家的崛起方式常常比其崛起的事实本身对世界有更剧烈的后果。
In international tax revenue, in inhabitant tax revenue jurisdiction inhabitantthe determination, is a sovereign state correctly exercises the tax revenue jurisdiction key to be at. 在国际税收中,居民税收管辖权中的“居民”的确定,是一个主权国家正确行使税收管辖权的关键所在。
In international trade talks, it sticks up for Quebec dairy farmers. 在国际贸易谈判中,渥太华为魁北克的牛奶农场主争取利益。
In international trade the price is often preceded by US$ or USD to designate the price in U.S. dollars such as US$1,000,000 or USD1 million. 因为美元是以十进货币制度书写的。您通常看到的价格是这样书写的—整体美元的小数点显示在左边,而细分部份的小数点在右边,比如$10.31,$5.99,$124.67,或$1,500.65。
In interrupts, the setting of a mask bit to0 is called disabling an input/ output processing. 在中断中,置一个屏蔽位为0叫作输入输出处理禁止。
In interviews on Friday, several epidemiologists and TB experts said the disease had probably moved into Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique — countries that share borders and migrant work forces with South Africa — and perhaps to Zimbabwe, which sends hund 周五的访问中,几位流行病学家和结核病专家称该病可能已经扩散至莱索托、斯威士兰和莫桑比克这些与南非交界并且有劳工流动的国家,可能也已经传播至每年与南非都有几十万名难民往返的津巴布韦。
In interviews over the past two days, American officials with access to the intelligence on the test said the United States kept mum about it in hopes that China would come forth with an explanation. 在过去两天的会面中,美国官员表示,美国有权了解关于试验的情报,并且始终对此事保持沉默,是希望中国能对此事做出解释。

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