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About $4 trillion in market wealth vanished between the April 2000 bursting of the Nasdaq bubble and its recent stabilization at lower levels.

Abortion remains illegal in many Latin American countries. 堕胎在很多拉美国家中仍不合法。
Abortion, when the woman's life is not threatened, should always be illegal. 除非妇女的生命受到危及,否则堕胎总是非法的。
Abortion, when the woman\'s life is not threatened, should always be illegal. 除非妇女的生命受到危及,否则堕胎应该总是非法的。
Abounded with sadness in her heart, she threw the watch with the abbreviation of her husband's name into the sea. 因为她心中充满沮丧,她将一块有她丈夫名字缩写的手表扔入大海。
About $3,000 was raised in the rummage sale that year and some of that was given to get a so-called teletype. 约$3,000在年和一些那被给的翻箱倒柜的寻找售卖方面被升起有一个所谓的电传打字。
About $4 trillion in market wealth vanished between the April 2000 bursting of the Nasdaq bubble and its recent stabilization at lower levels. 从2000年4月那斯达克指数的泡泡破灭算起,到目前该指数维持在较低数值为止,将近四兆美元的市场财富消失了。
About $45 million will be put in a restitution fund for victims. 其中,大约有4500万美元将用于赔偿此案的受害者。
About £1.2 billion ($2.4 billion) of British aid will top up government budgets in this way next fiscal year. 在下个财政年度,英国大约有12亿英镑(合24亿美元)的援助资金将以这种方式列入政府预算中。
About 1 hour later Bush sees his driver staggering back to the car with a bottle of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and his clothes all ripped and torn. 大约一个小时后布什看到司机散乱的徘徊在回到小汽车的路上,一只手里拎着一瓶葡萄酒,另一只手则拿着雪茄,他的衣服上面到处都是裂缝和破洞。
About 1 in 10 persons of northern European ancestry carries the abnormal recessive HFE gene, and most of these are the C282Y mutation. 1/10的北欧血统的人携带正常的HFE隐性基因,而发病主要是C282Y突变。
About 1 percent of these more serious cases develop hemorrhagic fever or shock, with gastrointestinal bleeding and, in rare cases, brain hemorrhages and death. 大约百分之一的严重病患会发展为出血性高烧或休克,并伴随有胃肠出血,极少数病例会出现脑部出血及死亡。

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