Produced or characterized by sleepiness.
由困倦引起的,或以困倦为特征的 |
Producer The first TROPHIC LEVEL, in a food chain.
生产者:食物链中第一个营养级。 |
Producers and directors told Ford that he did not have what it takes to be an actor, but he did have a knack for carpentry and taught himself about it with the help of a library book he borrowed.
制片人和导演告诉福特,他没有成为一名演员的天赋,但他却有学做木匠活的能力,他就靠一本从图书馆借来的书自学。 |
Producers are those organisms that can build up foods from inorganic mateials, i.e. green plants, algae, and photosynthetic and chemosynthetic bacteia.
生产者是指那些把无机物转变成有机物的各种生物,包括绿色植物、藻类、光能以及化能合成细菌。 |
Producers are typically small, inefficient and environmentally disastrous.
厂商的典型特点是规模小,效率低而且环境污染严重。 |
Producers must then mix it with water, heated using natural gas, to separate the oil from the sand.
然后将沙混水,以天然气加热,使得油与沙分离。 |
Producers of high-strength concrete know what factors affect compressive strength and know how to manipulate those factors to achieve the required strength.
高强混凝土的生产人员都知道影响抗压强度的因素以及如何调节这些因素取得预期的强度。 |
Producers of pornographic material claim that they are catering to a psychological need.
黄色作品的制作者们声称,他们是在满足人们一种心理上的需要。 |
Producers switched to methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), but it has been implicated in contaminating groundwater, and state governments are banning it.
制造厂商曾经改用甲基三级丁醚(MTBE),但这种化学物质可能与地下水污染有关,因此美国政府已禁止使用。 |
Producers took cues from American Idol andincorporatedinterviews with judges and text-message voting afterthe swimsuit,talent and evening-gown competitions.
收视率日趋下降迫使其进行深度改革,在前不久刚结束的选美比赛中,主办方学习《美国偶像》的做法,引入了与评委互动和观众短信投票等环节。 |
Producers use artificial insemination to fertilize the eggs.
养殖者用人工受孕法使蛋受精。 |