SFP:Super fine polish media.It's made of alumina,very shine,can make a bright finish surface with a suitable compound. |
中文意思: 由氧化铝制成,表面非常光泽,与适当的光亮剂一起使用,可产生非常光亮的表面效果。 |
SEX is a mystery—and not just to those who indulge in it.
性是神秘的-不仅仅对那些研究者来说是这样。 |
SEX, in most species of bird, is a consensual activity.
性对于大多数鸟类来说是个两厢情愿的事。 |
SEXUAL allure is often hinted as being the prize for buying this or that.
性诱惑常常被暗示成买东买西的嘉赏。 |
SEXY actress Kyra Sedgwick has revealed she was stunned when she received an offer to strip off and pose in men's magazine Playboy.
性感女星凯拉·塞吉维克透露,当她收到男性杂志《花花公子》的邀请,要她在杂志中脱掉衣服摆造型时,她感到非常吃惊。 |
SFFWorld: What can you tell us about the Soldier Son Trilogy?
妳能否告诉我们一些关于士兵之子三部曲的事? |
SFP:Super fine polish media.It's made of alumina,very shine,can make a bright finish surface with a suitable compound.
由氧化铝制成,表面非常光泽,与适当的光亮剂一起使用,可产生非常光亮的表面效果。 |
SFSZ-ZrO2 has sensitive electric property parameter and is used for making oxygen sensors, oxygen detectors, the fuel cell of third generation and high-temperature heater.
具有敏感的电性参数,是制作氧传感器、氧探测仪、第三代燃料电池和高温发热体等的主要组成份。 |
SF:Fast cutting media that provides a good finish with a tough long wearing bond.
采用耐磨结合剂生产的快速切削磨块能达到很好的光整效果。 |
SG is specially designed for Chinese vogue and successful women, it endeavors to lead the tide of the global advanced jewelry, display the art of noble jewelry and seeks fashion, classical, unique, grade and value .
超级女孩专为中国时尚和成功女性而设计,致力于引导世界超前饰品发展之潮流,演绎高贵饰品艺术,追求“时尚、经典、独特、品味与价值”! |
SG1 Preparation for validation is conducted.
准备确认工作。 |
SG1 Preparation for verification is conducted.
准备验证的工作。 |