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There's no beer left and the pubs are shut so you'll have to go without.

There's much more to life than how long you live. “生命的意义远不只是在于它的长短。”
There's my CD player. Can you put it right for me? 我的CD机出毛病了,你能帮我修好吗?
There's never a leadership void when we accept God as our leader. 当我们接受上帝做我们生命的主宰时,我们已经什么都不缺了,因为他指引着我们。
There's no absolute standard for it. 它没有绝对的标准。
There's no any opposite to this decision. 做出这项决定时没有人反对。
There's no beer left and the pubs are shut so you'll have to go without. 没有啤酒了而且酒店关门了,所以你不得不空手而归.
There's no better view than from a mountain's Peak. 没有什么地方能再比从山峰上看到的风景更漂亮了。
There's no better way to stay cool during the summer! 这可是今夏最酷的消夏方式哦!
There's no bridge; we'll have to wade across (the stream). 没有桥, 我们得渡过(小河)去.
There's no charge for the use of your passcard. 使用自动取款卡不用付手续费。
There's no common ground between Tom and I. 汤姆和我毫无共同之处.

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