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Nevertheless, “if production cost is high, volume is low and the object's shape is complex,” then rapid prototyping can excel, says Terry Wohlers, president of Wohlers Associates, prototyping consultants in Fort Collins, Colo.

Nevertheless, whenever they are asked about responsibilities towards the country and people, some tend to be at a loss and sometimes self-contradicting. 但是,有些年青人当讨论到一个人应该拥有的国家和民族观念的时候,往往表现出彷徨和矛盾。
Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. 16然而我们到了什么地步,就当照着什么地步行。
Nevertheless, windows can be thermal weak links when they are used incorrectly. 然而,窗户在没有正确使用的情况下会成为建筑保温体系的薄弱环节。
Nevertheless, with all the irreversibility of modernization, it is what we have to take into consideration how the traditional culture, particularly the national intangible cultural heritage, can be protected in that process, so that more diversified alte 然而,正如现代化是一种不可阻挡的趋势一样,如何在现代化的过程中保护好传统文化,保护好具有民族特色的非物质文化遗产,使子孙后代在文化的多样性选择时具有更多的余地,是我们必须加以考虑的。
Nevertheless, you continue to oppose the use of video evidence. Why is that? 尽管如此,您仍然反对使用录像取证,为什么呢?
Nevertheless, “if production cost is high, volume is low and the object's shape is complex,” then rapid prototyping can excel, says Terry Wohlers, president of Wohlers Associates, prototyping consultants in Fort Collins, Colo. 话虽如此,原型制作顾问公司沃勒商事总裁沃勒表示:「如果产品的生产成本高、产量少、形状又复杂的话,快速原型制作可能就比较占优势。」
Nevertheless, “spindle motors will probably always be there” to turn mini-disk drives, even denser ones that store video files, says Bi Chao, research scientist at the Data Storage Institute in Singapore. 但正如新加坡资料储存研究院的赵毕(音译)所说,为转动小型磁碟驱动器,「主轴马达可能永远都不会消失」,即使是在资料储存密度更高的影音磁碟亦然。
Nevertheless,Williamss suit charges that the casino,knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling,” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will”. 然而,威廉斯的诉讼指责赌场明知他“赌博成瘾不能自拔”,还故意设法“引诱”他“继续违反其意愿的行为”。
Nevertheless,as the price of raw material increased and depreciation of old equipment,shortage of liquid asset,sharp competition in international ceramics market,such negative factors lead the development of ceramics industry to be slow down,the amount in 可近年来由于原材料涨价、设备老化、流动资金短缺、国际陶瓷市场竞争激烈等诸多不利因素使得景德镇的陶瓷产业发展落后,外贸出口额持续下降。
Nevertheless,does not the unseen exist for sure?Will the remember remain forever? 然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?
Nevertheless,we believe that democracy is not only about freedom:it is also about responsibility.Indeed,irresponsible or unethical conduct puts media freedom at risk.We believe that the responsibilities of the media include duties of accuracy,balance,fair 3尽管如此,我们相信民主不仅仅是自由,民主也是责任.确实,毫不负责或者缺乏职业道德的行为会让媒体的自由处于危险境地.我们认为,媒体的责任包括准确,平衡,公正和得体的报道行为.因此,本法规制定了政策和条例,希望自由媒体能够负责任,有根据地进行报道,而这正是文明社会的基本要素.

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