Yields on ten-year Treasury bonds rose past 5% during trading on June 7th.
6月7日10年期国库券的收益在交易时超过5%。 |
Yields on ten-year Treasury bonds rose past 5% during trading on June 7th. The price of federal-funds futures suggests little chance of a rate cut from the Federal Reserve this year.
在6月7日交易中,10年期国库券收益超过5%。联邦基金期货价格表明美联储今年下调利率几乎不可能。 |
Yields on the 10-year United States Treasury note jumped to their highest level in five years before easing.
美国10年国库券的利润在其趋缓之前,已跳至五年来最高水平。 |
Yields rose and prices fell as investors responded to signs that inflationary pressures are mounting.
投资者对通胀压力升温的迹象作出反应,引致孳息上升及价格下跌。 |
Yields worthy of protection must be built.
值得保护的产量一定要首先形成。 |
Yierquan, glycol production sales; At the dry, cassava, bulletin marketing.
乙二醛、乙二醇生产销售;瓜干、木薯、丁酯购销。 |
Yigang Zhang and T.T.Lan: Research on the Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Response of Space frame, Space Structure, Vol.15, 2000.
张毅刚,姜维成,吴金志:长悬臂空间铰接杆系结构的抗震性能,空间结构论文选集(三),中国建材工业出版社,1999年。 |
Yihua man follow oneself always quality will promise,service promise,prestige will be promised ,make customer satisfied to regard as we require at most,People first,prosper the enterprise with science and technology,it is a aim of opening enterprises and
益华人将遵循自己一贯质量承诺,服务承诺,信誉承诺,把顾客满意当作我们最高要求,以人为本,科技兴企,用户至上是开创企业和服务社会的宗旨,本厂愿同各界企业有识之士朋友们共创辉煌,迈向美好明天。 |
Yijing's cosmology with the concepts of alternation between Yin and Yang and primitive thinking mode serve as the theoretical foundation for the Yin-yang &Five-element School, of which the generation pattern and procedure originate from this kind of cosmo
《易经》的阴阳变化观念和带有浓厚的原始思维特性的宇宙观,是阴阳五行家思想的理论基石,阴阳五行家的宇宙发生图式和序列便滥觞于此。 |
Yile Plastic Mould Company is medium and small-scale accurate plastic mould company which have been specialized in developing、designing and manufacturing plastic moulds since March of 2004.
成立于2004年4月,是一家专业从事优质中小型精密塑胶模具的开发、设计和制造及精密塑胶制品注塑成型加工的塑模科技公司。 |
Yin Haiguang's attitude to the Education Partificationexperienced a process of support-doubt-negation.
殷海光在「党化教育」问题上,经历了拥护—置疑—否定这样一个曲折的思想演变过程。 |