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I can not but be gay in such a jocund company.

I can not afford a new car. 我买不起一辆新车。
I can not afford a small fortune. 我无法负担这一小笔钱。
I can not agree with his bold views. 我不能同意他那胆大包天的见解。
I can not bear this boring life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
I can not believe I listed so many attractions. I must go there to immerse myself in that environment soon. 我不敢相信我竟然可以列出那麽多的吸引人之处,我必需很快地将自己沉浸于那种环境中.
I can not but be gay in such a jocund company. 我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐。
I can not but tell him the truth. 我不得不告诉他实情。
I can not catch up with you. 我赶不上你。
I can not change weather , but I can change my feeling. 我不能左右天气,但我可以改变心情。
I can not deny my keen anticipation of her visit. 我不能否认我热切期待她的来访。
I can not detect you on my radar. 我无法在雷达上发现你。

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