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If the main verb is in the past tense, the imperfect will be translated as a past.

If the mage doesn't pay attention to what she's really doing ― looking beyond her mind and her life for answers ― she runs the very real risk of becoming dependent on her focus to do magic in any way, or even just to live. 如果法师不把注意力集中在她要干的事情上――搜索她的意识和生命以寻找答案――她就要冒上很大的危险,有可能只记得要放法术或者只记得要活下去。
If the magic community wants to survive, it will have to follow the lead of the Weasley family and not those who are trying to purge the impure. 如果巫师社会想要生存,她就必须遵照韦斯莱家的榜样行事,而不是试图清除不纯的血液。
If the mail is not digitally signed, you can't be sure where it came from. 如果邮件不是数字签名的,你就不能肯定邮件是从哪里来的。
If the mailer refuses to open a parcel for inspection, Chunghwa Post may refuse to accept the said mail item for delivery. 前项寄件人拒绝拆验时,中华邮政公司得拒绝接受该邮件。
If the main switch selector is set to L (lock), the power will be completely cut off. The LCD panel and the viewfinder display will not operate. 如主选择开关设置在(锁定),电池将完全断开,液晶显示屏和取景器中的显示将消失。
If the main verb is in the past tense, the imperfect will be translated as a past. (拉丁文)主要子句的动词为过去式,则(拉丁文)附属子句的未完成式动词要译成英文的过去式。
If the major premise is `Boys like fruit' and the minor premise is `You are a boy', then the conclusion is `Therefore you like fruit'. 设若大前提为`男孩儿爱吃水果', 小前提为`你是男孩儿', 则结论为`所以你爱吃水果'.
If the majority of a country's trade is with Japan, for instance, then the movement of its currency against the yen will be given greater importance in the overall measurement of the exchange rate's value. 举例来讲,如果一国的大部分贸易是与日本进行的,那么该国货币对日元的比值变动,在计算总体汇率价值时,将占有较大的比重。
If the male patient was now having diabetes mellitus, what would be your drug of choice? 若以上的男性高血压患者同时患上糖尿病,你处方的药物为何?
If the man is not good, one always ends up saying I was sinful in my previous lifeor bad luck. 要是说一二句抱怨的话,或是劝了男人几句,反了腔,就打骂俱下,别人听见还要说不贤慧,不晓得妇道呢!
If the man loves you truely, he would strongly complain of while u forgetting to revert his message. 真正爱你的男孩,会在你忘记回复他短信时狠狠地的说你一顿。

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