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These things can not prove anything, how can you testify yourself?

These things are good and profitable to men. 这些都是美事,并且与人有益。
These things are good and profitable unto men. (或作留心行善)这都是美事,并且与人有益。
These things are spoken allegorically, for these women are two covenants, one from Mount Sinai, bringing forth children unto slavery, which is Hagar. 24这些都是寓意:两个妇人就是两约,一个是出于西乃山,生子为奴,乃是夏甲。
These things are the beginning of birth pangs. 这些都是产难的开始。
These things can be bought or you can find a free program online that does the same type of thing. 这些东西可以花钱买或者去可以去网上下载一个免费的程序做这个工作。
These things can not prove anything, how can you testify yourself? 这些都不能说明什么问题,你怎么证明你的身份?
These things command and teach. 11这些事你要吩咐人,也要教导人。
These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. 这些东西喂养他们,激发他们,而使他们拥有力量。
These things had been manufactured in villages which were growing into towns now, away from London; it was a country-wide trade. 这些物品都是在远离伦敦渐渐发展成为城镇的农村制造的。这是一场全国范围的贸易。
These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事。
These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. 26我将这些话写给你们,是指着那引诱你们的人说的。

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