Sweetpotato pollens killed by u.v.didn't sprout;2.Normal pollens sprouted;3.Pollens of 5x mixed with recognition pollens attached and sprouted much;4.In the negative-cross,sweetpotato pollens attached and sprouted much on the stigma of 5x;5.In the possiti
紫外线杀死的甘薯花粉在亲和柱头上不萌发;2.未经紫外线处理的甘薯花粉在柱头上正常萌发;3.在蒙导花粉作用下,五倍体的花粉在甘薯柱头上大量附着和萌发;4.反交组合甘薯花粉在五倍体柱头上大量附着和萌发;5.正交组合无蒙导花粉时五倍体花粉少量附着和萌发;6.生长调节剂二次处理后,授粉后15天所见的球形胚;7.杂交胚珠在培养基上萌发;8.杂交胚珠培养成苗;9.放任授粉收获的大量种子;10.五倍体与甘薯杂交两代产生的后代群体的结薯性。 |
Sweets are bad for your teeth.
糖果对你的牙齿有害。 |
Sweets are my only indulgence.
甜食是我唯一的嗜好。 |
Swelling and erythema receded after a few days.
水肿和红斑也于用药很少几天后减轻了。 |
Swelling ranks of the rich have led to a scramble among the world's largest banks to capture them as clients.
日益扩大的富人阶级已导致全球最大银行之间激烈竞争,这些银行都想招揽他们成为自己的客户。 |
Swelling, or edema, is not a typical symptom of DCS and would rarely occur alone.
肿胀,或浮肿,并非是减压病的典型症状,但亦很少单独发生。 |
Sweltering temperatures sweeping Europe have brought a plague of jellyfish to Spain's eastern seashores, forcing holidaymakers to stay out of the sea, the Red Cross said on Thursday.
西班牙红十字会7月27日表示,横扫欧洲的高温闷热天气近日使得该国东部海岸地区的水母氾滥成灾,并迫使那些度假者不得不为此而退避三舍。 |
Swept by the wind, the land was bare.
那片土地被风吹得光秃秃的. |
Swept up in the good cheer and fellowship Professor Ferguson always generated, I hugged and kissed him that day.
那天,在佛古森教授总可以为大家造就的欢愉和友善气氛里,我拥抱并亲吻了他。 |
Swift action was nece ary!
要赶快行动才行! |
Swift and stately she moved away through the dusk.
她迅速而庄严地从暮色中离去。 |