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The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen here.

The colonists revolted against their British ruler. 殖民地人民反抗他们的英国统治者。
The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler. 殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。
The colonists were finally freed from the dominion of the oppressors. 殖民地人民终于摆脱了压迫者的统治。
The colonization of land by eukaryotes isthought to have been established through the symbiosis of a fungus and aphotosynthesizing organism (Gehrig et al. 1996; Heckman et al. 2001). 经过真菌和光合生物的共生使真核生物在陆地上集群已经被认为确立。
The colonoscopic appearance of rectal polyps that proved to be tubular adenomas are seen here. 直肠息肉的结肠镜检查证明有管状腺瘤。
The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen here. 在下面可见阑尾口在盲肠的两个叉或袋状的折叠之间的结肠镜检图。
The colony has not declared independence as yet. 该殖民地尚未宣布独立。
The colony of Augusta Emerita, which became present-day Merida in Estremadura, was founded in 25 B.C. at the end of the Spanish Campaign and was the capital of Lusitania. 今天位于埃斯特雷马杜拉的梅里达是于公元前25年,西班牙战役结束后建立的,当时是罗马皇帝奥古斯都的殖民地,也是卢西塔尼亚的首都。
The colony struggled to achieve independence. 殖民地努力获得独立。
The color ,flavor and smell of fermentation of cabbage by lacic acid bacteria was studied. The principle of their changes and the effect to the product was researched. 对甘蓝乳酸发酵过程中颜色、香气、风味物的形成做了研究。探讨了色、香、味变化的机理及对成品的影响。
The color and texture of a painted surface shall be uniform. The color and texture may vary from surface to surface, but it may not vary within the same surface. 烤漆表面的颜色及咬花应该是一致的.不同表面其颜色或咬花可以不同,但同一表面的颜色和咬花必须一致.

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