Others I recollect as concrete human beings from a past meeting(the blonde I passed on the street), but the meeting was brief and most likely, will not be repeated.
也有过去见过面,我想起时把他当作明确存在的人(我穿越马路时所遇到那位金发碧眼的人),但这种见面是很短暂的,并且可以预期我们以后不会再见面。 |
Others are aware of the occult world, telling their own myths and legends.
其他知道玄奇世界的生物告诉狼人他们所知的秘密和传说。 |
Others are dismissed as nothing more than entertainment.
有些只不过是被当作娱乐而不予考虑。 |
Others are fearlessly spotlighting deep-seated problems such as corruption.
还有一些是毫不畏惧地把敏感问题(如腐败)曝光的人。 |
Others are for older people.
有些场所是专为老年人而设的。 |
Others are just now facing the truth.
还有些人不得不面对真相。 |
Others are just passing through Tokyo, perhaps as the first stop on an Asian itinerary, and see there is easy money to be made rapping to inebriated Japanese.
另外一些人仅仅是路过东京,或者东京是她们亚洲之旅的第一站,她们发现只要是拍拍喝的醉醺醺的日本人就能这么容易地赚到钱。 |
Others are luckier – they have prepared themselves for the change in their lives or they may be temperamentally suited to retirement.
另一些人稍许幸运,因为他们已经为人生的这一变化做好了准备,或许,可以这么说,他们天生就该退休。 |
Others are made by choosing a point of view.
另一些则是通过选择视角。 |
Others are merely mirrors of you.
他人只是你的镜子。 |
Others are more suited to incorporation within a pure CSS layout.
另外一些完美的CSS效果更适合于公司企业。 |