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Always he sought someone to whom he could talk without caution.

Always have a mute button on every page that uses sound. 页面上的按钮音效要使用低沉的音调,千万不要太亮。
Always have a trading plan for your trades, either it is a part of long term strategy or just one single intraday trade. 如果看图发现错过了一个非常大的价格变化,不要失落。
Always have full Emergency Warp Devices and an Escape Pod. 要经常备有完备的紧急空间移动装置和逃生舱。
Always have your dictionary on hand when you study. 学习时要随时把词典放在手边。
Always have your own set of friends separate from his. 在他的朋友之外,保持自己的圈子。
Always he sought someone to whom he could talk without caution. 他一直在找一个能够随便谈谈的人。
Always heaven is a place nearby. 天堂一直很近!
Always in a Plastic Bag! 总是用塑料袋!
Always keep a first-aid kit handy. 手边要经常有个急救箱.
Always keep a printed copy of your essay. 另外,要保留一份书面备分。
Always keep candles out of reach of children and pets. 蜡烛应放在小童及宠物不能触碰的地方。

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