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Those who had a basic understanding of tuberculosis, avian-human influenza, hepatitis, cholera, epidemic hemorrhagic fever accounted for .0%, 79.0%, 7.70%, 9. 0% and . 0% respectively.
对以下传染病基本了解的比例为:结核病占.0%,人禽流感占79.0%,肝炎占7.70%,霍乱占9. 0%,流行性出血热占. 0%。

Thomas Hardy (80-98), one of the greatest British novelists and poets in the 9th century, expressed his understanding of women's existential plight in his creation. 9世纪最伟大的小说家兼诗人之一的托马斯哈代(80-98)在其作品中对女性生存境况表达了自己的理解。
Thomas Henry Huxley or Hebert Spencer——On the influence of the evolution of competition upon China 究竟是赫胥黎还是斯宾塞——论斯宾塞竞争进化论在中国的影响
Thomsen-Friedenreich-related antigen and tumors TF相关性抗原与肿瘤的关系
Thoracic Applied Anatomy for Experimental Study of Pectus Excavatum in Rats 漏斗胸实验研究中大鼠胸部的应用解剖
Those in the second peak had a buoyant density of . -.g/ml and a sedimentation coefficient of 8s. 第二峰病毒浮密度为. -.克/毫升,沉降系数为8_s。
Those who had a basic understanding of tuberculosis, avian-human influenza, hepatitis, cholera, epidemic hemorrhagic fever accounted for .0%, 79.0%, 7.70%, 9. 0% and . 0% respectively. 对以下传染病基本了解的比例为:结核病占.0%,人禽流感占79.0%,肝炎占7.70%,霍乱占9. 0%,流行性出血热占. 0%。
Though Confucius talked about the demise of Yao, Shun and Yu, he didn’t advocate to carry it out actually. 孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;
Though UV/HO process has showed potential application for waster treatment, there were only a few reports on degradation kinetics. In this paper, the synergetic kinetics of phenol wastewater treatment by using UV/HO system was studied. 紫外光/双氧水(UV/HO)复合氧化过程在废水处理领域有很广泛的应用前景,但动力学方面的研究较少,为此研究了UV/HO工艺降解苯酚废水的动力学。
Though its meaning has experienced great changes: the divine dimension of traditional natural law has been secularized after Enlightenment. 但是,“自然”的涵义却经历了巨大的变化:传统自然法的神性观念演变为启蒙思想解除形而上学的神圣基础后的世俗化自然法观念。
Though selected: MS+-BA.0 mg/L +IAA.0 mg/L was favored for shoots regeneration. 研究了不同浓度的IAA,-BA和GA 对不定芽的诱导和伸长作用,结果表明:MS+-BA.0mg/L+IAA.0mg/L有利于不定芽的诱导。
Thought in the firsttwo kind of spatial existence emotion characteristic respectively is pitiful and bleak, isinsufficient to form writer's spirit to return to one's native village with the soul residestemporarily. 认为前两种空间存在情感特点上分别是悲惨与荒凉的,不足以形成作家的精神返乡与灵魂寄居。

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