In the post-modernistic context, aesthetic quality of art education shows a tendency of plural developments the contradiction between technical rationality and emotion makes aesthetic emotion obvious in art education; the contradiction between standardiza
在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,艺术教育的审美品格呈现出多元化发展的态势:技术理性与情感的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美情感得以凸现;文化工业所带来的标准化与独创性的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美独创性得以高扬;信息全球化与民族性的矛盾,使得人们开始关注艺术教育中审美民族性的问题。 |
In the post-operative follow-up period, all patients get the symmetric eye gaze.
术后病人之头倾与复视现象均消失,眼位恢复正常。 |
In the post-war Republic era, official place-names (namely-Li) are no longer carrying meaningful connotation about man-land relations.
透过新里名的时空分布可以解读区域发展的过程。 |
In the post-war years, ICC remained a diligent defender of the open multilateral trading system.
战后,国际商会一直致力于拥护多边贸易制度。 |
In the postmodern society, the essence of knowledge is changed with the all-embracing industrial state and the rapid development of science and technology, and then the features of culture and art are in change.
摘要在后现代社会里,由于“无所不包的工业化状态”,科学和技术的迅猛发展,改变了知识的性质,进而改变了文化艺术的性质和特征。 |
In the postwar interval there has been a tendency toward rising amounts of overtime working.
在战后年月里,额外加班工作量有增长的趋势。 |
In the power equipment manufacturing industry, delivery orders in 2006 will be large, which will drive the purchasing orders of the power transmission and transformer industry, with the entire power equipment manufacturing industry expected to grow at a r
电力装备制造业明年要交货的发电设备订单仍处于高峰,受其带动,输变电行业任务也很饱满,整个电力装备制造业有望达到20%左右的增长;但预计2007年发电设备产量将由高峰开始回落;目前各制造厂订货价格已在下滑,2008年以后的订单明显不足;与发电设备相比,高压输变电设备制造业的景气周期将适当滞后,从而有利于缓解发电设备下滑的影响。 |
In the practical application, if the commercial advertising reference on the emotional appeals of charitable, and the charitable advertising reference on art practices of commercial advertising, it shall promote each other to have a healthy development an
如若在实际操作中,商业广告借鉴公益广告的情感诉求方式,公益广告借鉴商业广告的表现技巧,则能更一步促进二者的良性发展,满足人们在物质上和精神上的双重需要。 |
In the practical work, we may draw up a flowing short-term plan by using the short-term optimization model and the Newman model to replace the long-term optimization model.
在实际工作中,可以用短期优化模型和纽曼模型来制订短期的流动计划,用以代替基于长期优化模型的长期计划。 |
In the practice of Open English teaching, we help the students learn English by using the Teaching Mode: Instructed study, Self Study, Aided Study, which are combined mutually, pierce through in each link of the whole teaching process.
摘要作者在电大开放教育英语教学实践中,探索运用“导学→自学←助学”的英语教学模式,围绕“自主学习”,开展及时、便捷的“导学”和“助学”服务。 |
In the practice of bilingual teaching in the subject of Data Communication and Network, the selection of teaching material, using of Chinese and English in class, an education model of bilingual + multimedia + Internet and subject project &presentation to
在《数据通信与网络》课程的双语教学工作中,对教材的选择、课堂上双语的使用、“双语+多媒体+网络”的教学模式以及通过做“课程项目”和“陈述”培养学生自主式学习能力等具体实施方法进行了初步的探索。 |