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If you be loved, be worthy of love.

If you aspire to compete with the best, you just walk a narrow road. 如果你渴望同最好的选手比赛,那你只是走进了窄胡同。
If you attempt a romance,she says you didn't respect her. 你如你试图对她调情,她会认为你不尊重她。
If you attend many black tie functions a year, investing in a classic black tuxedo is more cost effective than renting. 如果你一年中要多次参加正式典礼,那么买一件经典的黑色晚礼服比租借更划算。
If you attend our English Corner, you will get a coupon for V-Touch Coffee Corner . 如果您参加水沙莲「英语角」,您将可获得一张「咖啡角」优惠劵。
If you be love, be worthy of love. 如果有人爱你,你就该做个值得人爱的人。
If you be loved, be worthy of love. 如果有人爱你,你就该做个值得人爱的人。
If you beat him with the rod, You will deliver his soul from Sheol. 14你若用杖打他,就可以救他的魂免下阴间。
If you because of lost the sun to burst into tears, then you will also lose the group star. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。
If you become a great financial analyst, your department—and your company—will become great as well! 如果你成为了一名卓越的财务分析师,你的部门—和你的公司—也将同样卓越。
If you become ill with a fever, difficulty breathing, a cough or any illness during this period, consult a doctor and provide details of your travel itinerary. 期间若有发烧、呼吸困难、咳嗽或其它任何疾病,请咨询医生,并提供你行程的详细情况。
If you begin calls saying you're not going to sell anything, that will usually be your end result. 如果开场就告诉对方,你不是在推销任何东西,那么通常结果也是如此。

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