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B: But Jennifer doesn't know anything about arts. It is just like casting pearls before swine.

B: Both are superb at skill. But Fred is still one up on Bill to my point of view. 两人技能都十分娴熟。但是我个人认为弗莱德略胜比尔一筹。
B: Bring me a cup of tea, please. 请给我一杯茶。
B: But I look so stupid with this big zit on my nose. 但是我鼻子上长这个大青春痘看起来好蠢啊。
B: But I need to win my director>s approval for it before continuing to the next stage. 但是我需要得到主任的同意,然后才能进展到下一个步骤。
B: But I think I can beat him! 但是我想我可以打败他!
B: But Jennifer doesn't know anything about arts. It is just like casting pearls before swine. 但是珍妮弗根本不懂艺术,请他看画简直就是对牛弹琴。
B: But Johnnie can't see the big picture. He's unwilling to wait. He wants to get paid now. 不过强尼看不到大局。他不愿意等。他现在就要拿薪水。
B: But be sure you don't smoke. 但是你可不能抽烟。
B: But darling, I can't live without you. 但是亲爱的,没有你我会活不下去的。
B: But democracy has many different forms and origins. 但民主有许多不同的形式和渊源。
B: But didn't you tell him you had an a ointment? 但你为什么不告诉他你有个约会呢?

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