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Nobody can lift the heaviness that the sad news have leave with her.

Nobody can get away with the invisible, ghostly electronic waves. Visual versus virtual; even the flower can't prove anything. 肉眼不可见的电波如鬼魂飘荡,无人能幸免于它的纠缠。眼前所见如真如幻,连花也无法证明什麽。
Nobody can guarantee good weather. 谁也不能保证天气好。
Nobody can have too many friends, but one enemy may constitute a surplus. 朋友再多不算多,敌人一个就够了。
Nobody can hurt me without my permission. 我不允许,就没有人能伤害我。
Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffered in those years. 谁也不能想像她那些年所受的巨大痛苦。
Nobody can lift the heaviness that the sad news have leave with her. 谁也无法减轻这个坏消息给她带来的悲痛。
Nobody can remember clearly their great achievements nor their sinful deeds. 没有人可以清楚回想起他们伟大的成就或者罪恶的事迹。
Nobody can rob me of my right to work and speak. 谁也不能剥夺我工作说话的权利.
Nobody can roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
Nobody can say I put on airs. 谁也不能说我这个人摆架子。
Nobody can say I put on airs. I'm actually very humble. 谁也不能说我这人摆架子,事实上我是很谦虚的人。

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