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Oaks grow in the Forbidden Forest (GF28).

Oak/Oaky: The smell and taste of oak in a wine derived from contacting with barrels. 橡木/橡木的:在葡萄酒陈年的过程中,由于酒与橡木桶接触而产生的带有橡木的香味和口感。
Oakland fears that rising seas will salinate its underground aquifer. 奥克兰则担忧,上升的海平面会导致地下蓄水层盐化。
Oakland's struggling force, for example, is organised into three daily shifts, or “watches”, which makes it hard to hold anybody accountable for steadily rising crime in a district. 奥克兰可怜的警察部队,比方说,每天三班轮换,这样一个地区犯罪率稳步增长的时候,很难找到专门负责人。
Oakland, in northern California, had 145 murders last year—more than half again as many as in 2005. 北加州的奥克兰去年发生145宗谋杀案——比2005年的多出一半。
Oaks and maples preponderate in our woods. 在我们的森林中,橡树与枫树占多数。
Oaks grow in the Forbidden Forest (GF28). 在禁林中生长有橡树(GF28)。
Oaks, she says, provide cooling shade to an overheating city and help air and water quality more than palms, even if they fall short of the exotic image. 她认为就温度过高的洛杉矶来说,橡树就算无法展现异国情调,也可以遮荫,而且比棕榈树更能改善空气和水质。
Oaksford M., &Chater, N. (Eds) (1998). Rational Models of Cognition. Oxford University Press. 《认知的理性模型》.牛津大学出版社.
Oat cell carcinomas are very aggressive and often metastasize widely before the primary tumor mass in the lung reaches a large size. 燕麦细胞癌具有很强的侵袭性,原发瘤不是很大就已经发生了广泛转移。
Oats extract contains rich botanic acid and protein, combined with Evening Primrose oil can invigorate skin microcirculation, activate skin cells and accelerate the drainage of accumulated wasted substance and dirt from skin and prepare better conditions 燕麦提取液蕴含丰富植物性氨基酸和蛋白质,配合月见草精华活跃肌肤微循环,激活肌肤细胞,帮助排解肌肤体内积聚的废物和污垢,营造良好的营养及水分吸收环境。
Oats mainly grow in cool climate. 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。

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