Mister Borges has also taken his camera to Afghanistan.
强),肯尼亚,尼泊尔,印度以及美国本土亚利桑那州的小村落。 |
Mister Buffett, an investor, is chief of Berkshire Hathaway.
投资商巴菲特先生是伯克希尔·哈撒韦的总裁。 |
Mister Bush won a trade agreement with Central American and Caribbean nations last year.
去年布什与中美洲及加勒比海周边国家达成一项贸易协定。 |
Mister Bushnell liked the game so much he invented another ,Pong.
布什内尔先生很喜欢这种游戏,他又发明了另一种游戏“乓”。 |
Mister Collins says concussion research in the last five years has provided a huge amount of new information.
克林斯先生说近五年来的脑震荡研究提供了大量的新信息。 |
Mister Friedman advised President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan in the nineteen seventies and eighties.
70年代和80年代弗里德曼先生分别向理查德·尼克松总统和罗纳德·里根总统提过建议。 |
Mister Green usually gives me good advice.
一般来说,格林先生给我提供的建议都是很好的。 |
Mister Greenspan is seventy-nine years old.
他从1987年8月11日接替上界联邦储备局主席保落。 |
Mister Hwang and his co-authors withdrew the report.
黄先生和其他作者一起撤销了这篇文章在科学杂志的发表。 |
Mister Kay spoke Wednesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington, D-C. He said that people who believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction were almost all wrong. He also said there was evidence th
在情报委员会和武器委员会参议院在华盛顿召开前,星期三大卫凯说的这番话。他称所有认为伊拉克有大规模性杀伤性武器都是错误的。同时他认为这说明了在布什借口开战 前萨达姆早已设法消除了这些武器。 |
Mister Kennedy said he had earlier taken a sleep medicine.
它们会使在人们做饭,吃东西,甚至驾车的睡觉。 |