There is still a meat trade of wildlife in the black market. Have you ever had any venison?
黑市仍然有野味交易,你有品尝野味的经历吗? |
There is still a plan on paper now.
现在仍有一个计划停留在纸上。 |
There is still an off chance that the weather will improve.
天气转好尚有一线希望. |
There is still much speculation about the leader's status.
但对于这位领导的健康状况目前仍有许多猜测。 |
There is still my taxi fare to the airport and airport tax, the rest of my pocket is empty and wiped out of cash.
衬衣的口袋珍藏着的士费和机场费,其他的口袋象破过又被洗过一样干干净净,空空如也。 |
There is still no cure for the common cold.
目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。 |
There is still no ending sign to the bloodshed as US-led troops continue a renewed offensive against resurgent Taliban fighters.
随着以美国为首的部队对死灰复燃的塔利班战士展开新一轮的攻势,流血还将继续。 |
There is still no exact date revealed for the two actors' joining the cast.
但是仍然没有透露着这两名演员加盟剧组的日期。 |
There is still no hard evidence for this AAM programme – although a South African-derived stand-off air-to-surface weapon is thought to have been tested and deployed.
对于这个空空导弹项目现在还没有强有力的证据——尽管一种源自南非的未定型的空对地武器被认为已经在进行了测试和部署。 |
There is still room for improvement.
还有改进的余地。 |
There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
她双腿仍有些软弱无力, 但总的情况尚好. |