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I am right, am I not? It seems so clear to me. The hundreds and thousands - and the trifle - I mean, one cannot miss it.

I am responsible to make mege a top class company,and make mege employees rich and happy.to realize the target,focus on innovation is the right solution. 作为米格公司的领导者,我有责任把米格公司发展成为一个一流的企业,让米格的员工过上富裕快乐的生活;实现这个目标,坚持不懈的技术创新是一个正确的道路.
I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things. 我心绪不宁。我渴望着遥远的事物。
I am restlessly to the present situationperson, I must strive for success Wants to go out light in me afterthe trade route on Hoped everybody many suggestions, thank! 我是一个不安于现状的人,我要拼搏.想在我的经商路上走出一片光明.希望大家多多建议,感谢了!
I am retired many years,and children are grown up and have their own families,and I do hope that I could find out my another partnerlife,and I am one doctor,I am easygong,soft character,dislike argue etc,and I do hope that you could understand me further 我现在退休多年,子女都事业有成,各有自己幸福的家庭,现在我希望通过互联网找到自己的另外一半,我过去是从事医务职业的,脾气好,性格好,赡养老人,和睦相处.希望您有机会来了解我!
I am right in taking to task the historians for slighting this important development. 这些史学家忽略了这一重要发展,我对他们的指责是正确的。
I am right, am I not? It seems so clear to me. The hundreds and thousands - and the trifle - I mean, one cannot miss it. “我猜对了,对吗?对我来说很清楚。成百上千——我是说蛋糕,没人会遗漏这个。”
I am running against the time, please get to the point directly. 我赶时间,直截了当说出来吧。
I am running without weary, my life bearing fruits that is lasting. 我奔跑没有疲倦,我的生命结满长存的果实。
I am rusty to them. 我对它们有些生疏了。
I am sad because I lost the contest. 因为比赛输了,我有点难过。
I am sad to say he is not well enough to travel to Athens. 我很难过在他生病期间我却去雅典。

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