The image of the plastic arts is static, but it often breaks the static limitation and displays the sensation of movement.
摘要造型艺术的形象是静态的,但是它往往要打破静态的局限而表现动感。 |
The image offers circumstantial evidence that a young star is being born inside the placental cloud.
该图片提供了一颗年轻恒星正从胚胎云中诞生的旁证。 |
The image processing technique is introduced and using the grey of images as basis, the data reflecting the wrinkles is extracted.
介绍了所采集服装褶皱图像的处理方法,用图像的灰度作为基础,在图像上提取能够反映褶皱的数据。 |
The image quoted from Society of Spectacle hallucinate us the ruin of itself, by using deliberate imitation of mass media image.
乍看之下,一切景观社会的幻象皆是美好;实际上,它只是投射出社会的坠落。 |
The image reconstruction technique based on the finite element method is flexible and easily to use for many applications.
采用有限元素法计算逆时影像重建的技术经证实是可行且易于应用于其他的研究领域。 |
The image shows the sunlit side of Saturn's rings.
在这张照片中,土星的光环清晰可见。 |
The image slowly rotates, and it seems just as gruesomely real as that severed fish head from Jaws 3-D.
影像慢慢翻转,看起来就和「立体大白鲨」里的那个鱼头一般,真实到令人毛骨悚然。 |
The image stuck, and well into the 1960s dinosaurs were portrayed as sluggish, lumbering beasts that must have grown slowly to great size in a sort of benign hothouse where huge beasts reigned and raged.
这样的印象深植人心,一直到1960年代,恐龙都被描绘成迟钝、笨重的怪兽,在气候温暖、巨兽统治的世界中,缓慢生长成巨大的体形。 |
The image then appeared upside down and flipped left to right on light-sensitive fabric the length of one-third of a football field and about three stories tall.
这影像随后呈现上下颠倒,左右相反,在约有1/3个足球场长,三层楼高的感光织布上。 |
The image then appeared upside down and flippied left to right on light-sensitive fabric the length of one-third of a football field and about three stories tall.
影像随后以上下颠倒,左右相反的方式,呈现在感光织布上,该织布有1/3个足球场长,约有三层楼高。 |
The image tries to remodel the culture resource of Chinese Indonesians, but the forming patten of the image is affected, by the mainstream ideology.
这种想像试图为印尼华人重塑文化根源,但想像模式的形成却受到主流意识形态的压力影响。 |