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Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday.

Yes, I know they won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally. 是的,我知道,他们赢得了15枚金牌,名列金奖牌榜第四名。
Yes, I know, this is nothing but thy love, O beloved of my heart—this golden light that dances upon the leaves, these idle clouds sailing across the sky, this passing breeze leaving its coolness upon my forehead. 是的,我知道,这只是你的爱,呵,我心爱的人——这在树叶上跳舞的金光,这些驶过天空的闲云,这使我头额清爽的吹过的凉风。
Yes, I know. It's very costly. (是的,我知道。要花很大一笔钱。)
Yes, I live near Amy and Sam. 是的,我住在艾米和萨姆家附近。
Yes, I lost my little darling the night they were playing the beautiful Tennessee Waltz. 是的,我失去我的爱人,就在那一夜当他们播放那首动听的田纳西华尔滋。
Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday. 是啊,昨天我的宠物猫丢了。
Yes, I m joking, of course. 你会说这是废话,不错,我是在开玩笑。
Yes, I need a microwave. Please show me some of the best ones. 是的,我需要一台微波炉。请拿几台最好的机种给我看看。
Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers. 是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的。
Yes, I obtained 95 marks in English. 是的,我英语的了95分。
Yes, I remember it -- Human Sexual Innovations: Use Them Or Lose Them. 是的,我记得——人类性改革:利用还是摆脱?

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