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The radiation spectrum for relativistic electron moving along curved spiral curve in plasmas is calculated, and also the formula of total energy emitted by a relativistic electron in vacua is derived.

The radiance of the sunset died away. 夕阳的余辉渐渐地消失了。
The radiant hopes and murderous hates that the Chinese peasantry poured into the sphere of war and revolution released a flood of emotional energy that exploded with the force of an atomic bomb within Chinese society, nearly dissolving it. 中国农民投入战争与革命中的热切的希望和刻骨的仇根,化成巨大的激情的能量,像在中国社会中爆炸一颗原子弹似的,几乎把中国社会炸得粉碎。
The radiant oranges of a monarch butterfly's wings alert hungry predators that those insects are poison. 大桦斑蝶翅上的鲜豔橘红色,对于饥饿的猎食者具有警告的作用:这个昆虫有毒。
The radiation pattern in the near and far field of each frequency component of the spectrum of current pulse on a transmission line. 传输线上脉波电流频谱中各频率成份在远近场区中场型之比较。
The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable. 放射性的镭暖气装置的辐射半径在体育场是易变的。
The radiation spectrum for relativistic electron moving along curved spiral curve in plasmas is calculated, and also the formula of total energy emitted by a relativistic electron in vacua is derived. 计算了等离子体介质中,沿弯曲螺旋线运动的相对论电子的辐射谱,进一步导出了真空中的能量辐射公式.
The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量.
The radiator was deployed during the spacewalk. The solar arrays will be unfurled Tuesday. 散热装置在这次的太空行走中已经配置完成。太阳能电池板将会在周二(也就是今天)展开。
The radical group of teenagers got wasted on graduation night. 十几岁的青少年激进团体在毕业的(那天)晚上喝了个烂醉。
The radical nationalist Chen Duxiu possessed a strong sense of the national self-respect and self-confidence .The emergence of his nationalistic ideology was constrained by multiple factors, including the influence of nation crisis, the enlightenment of F 摘要激进民族主义者陈独秀具有强烈的民族自尊心和自信心,其民族主义思想的产生受到了诸多因素的制约,如深重的民族危机的影响,法国启蒙思想的启迪,康有为、梁启超民族主义思想的熏陶,个人独特际遇的催生等等。
The radical right wing drove this woman's nomination right out of town. 激进的右翼致使这个女人的任命无效。

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