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If you have no jewellery, can't you wear a flower instead.

If you have no confidence, you will not show your ability. 如果没有自信就不能发挥你的潜力。
If you have no confidence, you won't exert your potential. 如果没有自信就不能发挥你的潜力。
If you have no experience like these, your life is an inadequate one. 如果你没有这些经验,你的生活就不算完整。
If you have no further use for this book, I'll give it to someone else. 你对这本书如果没有进一步的用途,我就要把它送给别人了。
If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist. 巧妇难为无米炊。
If you have no jewellery, can't you wear a flower instead. 如果没有首饰的话,就不能戴朵花吗?
If you have no knife, step in closer and use chin jab or punch, and the knee. 如果你没有刀,快步抢至更近之处,掌跟打击下颌或者拳击,加上膝撞。
If you have no other plans for Sunday, December the sixth, come to a little informal luncheon here at my home? 假如您在12月6日(星期日)没有其他安排的话,能否到我家中便餐。
If you have no self-confidence,you will not exert your potential. 如果没有自信就不能发挥你的潜力。
If you have no target and you hit this macro, it will Dark Pact your pet. 假如你没有目标并且你也运行了这个宏就是用黑暗契约。
If you have no time, I'll go instead of you. 如果你没时间,我愿意替你去。

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