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He sailed with the Merchant Marines, obtaining a Master's License for ocean going vessels.

He said:” it is an objective trend and rule of historical development to update the art ideas; we should use foreign culture for reference, but can not change ourselves blindly or give up the studying and inheriting of traditional culture day by day; we m 他认为:“艺术观念的更新是客观必然的趋向,也是历史进步的规律,对外来文化的借鉴是必要的,但不能一味对外求变,不能递减对传统的研习和继承,必须立足本土,发展具有实际意义的属于中国的民族特色。”
He said:“My love, why do you cry? 他说:“亲爱的,你为何哭泣?”
He sailed for two years before the mast. 他作为普通水手出海航行了两年.
He sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu. 他从旧金山乘坐轮船去檀香山。
He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying. 他指责证人撒谎.
He sailed with the Merchant Marines, obtaining a Master's License for ocean going vessels. 他于商船海上航行并获得船长的执照。
He sais he doesn't owe anybody. 他说他不欠任何人。
He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. 耶稣对他说、你喂养我的小羊。
He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. 耶稣说:「你牧养我的羊。」
He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. 彼得说:「主啊,是的,你知道我爱你。」
He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. 38耶稣说,你们有多少饼,可以去看看。他们知道了,就说,五个饼,两条鱼。

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