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He was co-MVP of the 2001 World Series, coming out of the bullpen to beat the Yankees in Game 7, and lives in the Phoenix area.

He was clearly on edge and I hadn't even mentioned Mitch Kupchak's name yet. 他正在处于矛盾边缘,所以我没有提到库普切克的话。
He was cleft from his brother during the war. 在战争期间,他与他的哥哥分离。
He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun. 他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。
He was clumping about in heavy boots that time. 那时他正穿着笨重的靴子走来走去。
He was clutching at the reeds and grasses on the banks of the stream, but the fish was too strong for him. 他抓着溪边的芦苇和水草,但是鱼的拉力比他的抓握力大得多。
He was co-MVP of the 2001 World Series, coming out of the bullpen to beat the Yankees in Game 7, and lives in the Phoenix area. 他是2001年世界大赛的共同MVP,在第7战从牛棚出来击败洋基,并且他住在凤凰城地区。
He was cocksure that it wasn't going to ran,but it is pouring outside. 他信心满满确信不会下雨,但外头正在大雨倾盆呢。
He was comatose and had a severe fever and tachycardia. 他处于昏迷状态,伴高热和心动过速。
He was coming near the very place that the ghost was said to haunt. 他已走近传说中那个鬼怪出没的地方。
He was compelled to accept the job for the sake of earning money. 为了谋生,他被迫接受了这份工作。
He was compelled to bring this action. 他是不得已而起诉的。

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