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A Dutch national, Mr. van der Linden, served as junior professional officer to the United Nations Development Programme in Manila (1977-1978) and staff member of the regional planning agency of the Dutch Government (1972-1976).

A Double Check Valve Assembly shall be installed at each noted location to prevent the unwanted reversal of polluted water into the potable water supply. 双止回阀总成应该安装在每个值得注意的位置,用于防止污水出现不需要的回流而流进饮用水供应系统中。
A Downing Street official privately admitted that the UK government faced an uphill battle in securing agreement. 英国政府一名官员私下承认,在寻求达成协议方面,英国面临着一场艰巨战斗。
A Duke University lacrosse team captain became the third player indicted in the rape scandal Monday and the first to speak out. 杜克大学校长\曲棍球棍的队长,大卫伊文思,是第三名涉嫌一起强暴丑闻而遭到起诉的人,也是第一个发表申明的人。
A Dull and boring? How can you say that? 枯燥又无聊?你怎么能这么说呢?
A Dutch auction sets a singleshare price at the maximum level consistentwith clearing all stock on offer. 荷兰式拍卖按照所有上市的股票都能结清为准,将每股股价定在最高水平。
A Dutch national, Mr. van der Linden, served as junior professional officer to the United Nations Development Programme in Manila (1977-1978) and staff member of the regional planning agency of the Dutch Government (1972-1976). 范德林登先生是荷兰人,曾经担任联合国马尼拉开发计划的初级专业官员(1977-1978年)以及荷兰政府的地区规划局职员(1972-1976年)。
A Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly. 荷兰某位小偷在一家教堂行窃,当他意识到该教堂是专门帮助穷人和老人时,留下了这么一封检讨信,并承诺将来会捐款.
A Dutch toxicologist says late Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic took a powerful antibiotic that neutralized his medication for a heart condition and high blood pressure. 一名荷兰毒理学家说,已故前塞尔维亚领袖米洛舍维奇服用了药性很强的抗生素,抵消了他服用的治疗心脏病和高血压的药物。
A Dutchwoman, the world's oldest person on record who swore by a daily helping of herring for a healthy life, died on Tuesday aged 115. 本周二,世界上年纪最大的老人、荷兰女寿星平静地走完了自己的人生旅途,享年115岁。她在世的时候一直相信每天吃一小份鲱鱼,有利于保持身体健康。
A E-Mail was recognized as undeliverable. 确认为无法投递的邮件。
A Especially the women's volleyball. 尤其是女排。

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