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All 344 well appointed rooms and suites feature the modern living with broadband access and satellite TV program for in-house entertainment.

All 205 rooms and suites come with controlled air condition,btan room, IDD telephoen, satellite TV, Free VOD system, Minibar, Safety box and Internet outlet and fax machine in Some rooms. 多瑙河假日酒店拥有205间客房和套房,房内均备有可控中央空调,独立浴室,国际直拨长途电话,卫星电视,免费的VOD节目,迷你酒吧,部分房间还设有无线因特网接口,传真机和保险箱等。
All 257 aboard died in the airliner crash. 那次飞机失事中,机上的257名乘客全部遇难。
All 3 exist together, in the NOW. 所有三者都同时存在于现在。
All 3 women (Listen to the radio attentively and eagerly): Oooh, ooh! 三个女人(急切凝神地倾听):哦,哦!
All 300 million citizens of the European Economic Area can live and work in Britain if they choose without having to fill in so much as a form. 只要愿意,所有欧洲经济区内的3亿公民可以在英国生活和工作,并且不用填写一张表格。
All 344 well appointed rooms and suites feature the modern living with broadband access and satellite TV program for in-house entertainment. 宾馆344间客房和套房全部采用现代化的设计,每间客房均配有宽带上网系统、卫星电视及客房内休闲设施,并设有无烟楼层。
All 3rd party charts and plots contains a large amount of fancy presentation options slowing down the plot and making them useless for RT purposes. 所有的第三方图表和绘制组件包含了大量的奇特的描述选项,反而减慢了绘制速度,使它们不合适用于实时目的。
All 4 related files are attached. 四个相关档案均附呈。
All 5 of us were shocked and sad to see him leave, but I wish him the best in his career...he still has many stages on which he will sing in the future! 看到他离开,我们其余5个人都感到震惊和难过,但我祝愿他的事业之路能走的更好…他还是有许多舞台等着他去放声歌唱。
All 50 of these companies went out of business, and yet there was a period where people thought about having a computer that was dedicated to that one task, dedicated to word processing. 这些公司中的所有50家离开生意,而且仍然有一个人们想有一部被呈现到那一个工作的计算机的时期,对字处理呈现。
All 53 adrenal tumors were confirmed by surgery and pathology. 全部患者皆接受手术及病理诊断确认。

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