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All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies.

All the raw materials are imported. 所有原料全部是进口的。
All the relevant information must be completed including the payer details, the date, the amount, and the signature. 包括付款人信息细节,日期,数量,并且签名等所有的相关的信息必须填写。
All the religions have been teaching celibacy as one of the greatest religious qualities, and all the societies have been respecting virginity as something spiritual -- these are the causes which have created homosexuality and lesbianism. 所有宗教的教导,都把禁欲作为最伟大的宗教品质,所有的社会都尊重处女的贞洁,视为精神性的东西——这些就是导致男同性恋和女同性恋的原因。
All the remaining parts, including the bones, the intestines and the skin, were consumed.There were several piles of excrement located nearby and also on the trail at a distance of 10-15 m from the first site. 所有其它部分,包括骨头,肠和皮都被吃掉了,附近和相距10-15米远的老虎活动痕迹处有几堆大便。
All the remains unearthed were from the Tapenkeng culture, an early Neolithic people who lived in Taiwan even before the ancestors of today's aboriginal tribes arrived. 所有出土的都是大坌坑文化的文物,那是新石器时代早期居住在台湾的人们,甚至早于现今原住民部落的祖先。
All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies. 传统语文学和结构主义语言学的翻译研究范式对翻译文化史上屡见不鲜的“不忠于原作”的行为一概加以贬斥,认为这样的译文无异于“背叛”了原作。
All the requirements in the standard are intended to be incorporated into any environmental management system. 本标准的所有要求项目均可纳入任何环境管理系统中。
All the residents have been inconvenienced by the road works. 居民们都因筑路工程而感到不便。
All the resources necessary are found regionally, a fact that excites Rosero. We don't have to venture farther than our own back yard to find what we need to make this chip a reality,he said. 所有需要的资源在当地全部齐备,这使得罗塞罗教授很高兴,他说:“我们不必冒太多的风险,我们在我们自家的后院得到了我们所需要的东西,这将使的这个芯片即将成为现实。
All the rest goes to the time-consuming task of translating, writing, testing and training. 其它的都应该用于花费时间的翻译、写作、测试和培训工作。
All the rest of Buddhism we can now let go as the religious trappings of an ancient culture utterly inappropriate for the Dhamma of our technological age. 佛教其余一切部分是一个古老文化的宗教性装饰,作为我们这个科技时代的佛法,是彻底不合时宜了,如今可以放弃了。

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