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Mr Yushchenko came to power on a promise to clean up Ukrainian politics.

Mr Yeung's Eastweek magazine runs a photograph of a nude actress taken during an abduction 12 years ago on its cover. 杨受成旗下的《东周刊》刊登一名女星在十二年前被胁持下所拍摄的裸照,引来公众哗然。
Mr Yin owes his success as much to his political tact as to his business skills. 尹的成功归功于商业的才能和政治的嗅觉。
Mr Yin says he is still in discussions with the party about membership. 他说他现在还在和***讨论他的“入党”问题。
Mr Yoon is one of the army of retail investors who have made South Korea's futures and options market the most actively-traded in the world. 尹先生是散户投资者大军中的一员,这些散户使韩国期货和期权市场成为世界上交易最活跃的市场。
Mr Yudhoyono has tried to set up his own high-powered team, modelled on the West Wing of the White House, but this has met with resistance from ministries, which see their turf threatened. 尤多约诺先生试图模仿白宫西翼建设自己的高性能团队,但这种努力受到了害怕看到各自地盘受到威胁的政府各部门的抵抗。
Mr Yushchenko came to power on a promise to clean up Ukrainian politics. 尤希奇恩克先生就任总统之时许诺要全力清理乌克兰的政界。
Mr Yusuf says there is now a “gentleman's agreement” between Gaza's assorted armed factions to attack Israel only in response to Israeli actions, such as its killing of several militants in Gaza this week. 尤素福称,目前在加沙各色武装派别中有一个“君子协定”,即仅对在以色列采取行动时攻击以色列以作回应,例如以色列本周在加沙枪杀几名激进分子的行动。
Mr Zapatero was inexperienced, ill-prepared and unprepossessing; he was nicknamed “Bambi”, as he often looked like a startled fawn caught in the headlights. 缺少经验,不够老练以及无领导风范萨帕特罗被戏称为“小鹿斑比”,因为聚光灯下的他总是显得惶恐不安。
Mr Zhang's problems, after all, appear to have stemmed from the contaminated paint he bought from another, as yet unidentified, local industrialist. 毕竟,传闻张树鸿也是因为购买了当地别的工厂的染料而出问题的。
Mr Zhao's enthusiasm has inspired Lu Hao to concentrate more on history lessons and his grades have improved a great deal. 赵大爷的热情鼓舞了陆浩在历史课上集中精力,他的水平提高了很多.
Mr Zheng says that 7 Days' pre-tax profit margin is as high as 30 per cent because of its 95 per cent occupancy rate. 郑南雁表示,由于入住率达到95%,7天连锁酒店的税前利润率高达30%。

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