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10 lampshades with each 5 meter cord as indicated in attachment 2. No need for a ceiling disk.

10 average percentage of revenues other high-tech companies reinvest in R&D. 其它高科技企业对研发的投入平均只有10%.
10 buildings with unique style, 1 Roland Palace and 4 CITYHOUSEs are well arranged along the coastline, forming elegant scenery. 10栋风格独特的建筑、1栋罗兰宫、4栋CITYHOUSE沿海岸线铺陈开来,分布得错落有致,形成一道优雅的风景。
10 days intensive workshop will focus on your understanding and experience of asana and pranayama. You will also study anantomy, the science of breath, relexation practices and philosophy of hatha yoga. 10天的强化培训的重点放在您对体式和呼吸控制法的理解和体验上。您也将学习解剖学,呼吸科学,放松练习和哈他瑜伽哲学。
10 examples of your best projects in PDF format. 10份曾经完成的最好的项目案例(PDF格式)。
10 is the base of the decimal system of arithmetic. 十是十进位算数系统的基数。
10 lampshades with each 5 meter cord as indicated in attachment 2. No need for a ceiling disk. 10个灯罩每个附有5米长的电线如附件2所示。不需要顶盘。
10 million would go to drilling for water and regoing regrowing paster land. The other money would go to cattle producers to help them recover their losses from selling early . 1亿美元用于钻井取水和重建牧场。余下的钱用于补贴放牧者因过早出购牲畜而带来的损失。
10 million would go to drilling for water and regrowing pasture lands. 其中10万用于引水及牧场的修复。
10 people, all speaking only their different native languages, come together to have diner: Russian, german, litaunian, portuguese, korean, arabian, cantonese, bulgar, hebraic and serbo-croat. 十个人,所有人都说着他们本国的语言,聚在一起吃饭。这些语言是俄语,德语,意大利语,葡萄牙语,韩语,阿拉伯语,广东话,保加利亚语,希伯来语,和塞尔维亚语。
10 pieces of billboards positions ( Ground plan win a bid show red position) At the airport panorama plane blueprint and real-life scenery screen picture average ens embody. 10块广告牌位置(平面图中标示红色的位置)在机场全景平面图纸和实景拍摄图均有体现。
10 similar species in Formosa,tropical Asia,New Guinea and Samoa.Well kown in Taiwan and large quantities imported mainly from Papua New Guinea,Solomon and Sulawesi(investigated by ANCC in 1978,1979). 近10种﹐分布于亚洲热带雨林如新几内亚与沙摩亚群岛﹐主要由巴布新几内亚﹐所罗门群岛与新拉威西进口﹐进口数量相当庞大。

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