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Skinfold calipers in general are not accurate or inaccurate, it*s the person doing the test that is accurate or inaccurate.

Skin the insulation material of wires with a length 5 cm more than that of wire clip, and hang C form parts and splitting wire on the main cable ,and then insert the wedge between the two wires with force . 剥离绝缘导线绝缘层,剥离长度应大于线夹长度5厘米,将C形元件和分接线一起挂在主线上,将楔块用力插入两导线之间。
Skin whitening is the most sought after treatment in Asia, the survey showed, with one in 10 Asian consumers buying bleaching products and 50 percent saying they would lighten their skin if money was no object. 调查显示,皮肤美白在亚洲最为盛行,十分之一的亚洲消费者购买过皮肤漂白产品,50%的人称如果经济上不成问题,他们会去做美白护理。
Skin-care products made from papain such as papain whitening soap, soap, facial cleanser and body wash can help remove cuticle, thus making you skin soft, tender and full of vigor. 以木瓜酶为主成分制成的木瓜白肤香皂、肥皂、洗面奶、沐浴露等美容护肤产品可有效去除死皮,令肌肤鲜嫩柔和,充满活力。
Skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) with immediate breast reconstruction is still not widely accepted because of concerns about the possible increasing risk of tumor recurrence and native skin necrosis. 摘要因为担心增加肿瘤复发的机会,皮肤保留乳房切除术合并立即重建乳房仍尚未广泛的被病人接受。
Skin/hair: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, helps wounds and scars to heal; very good for dry and mature skin, used for wrinkles. 皮肤/毛发:抵抗煸动性,杀菌,收敛,帮助伤口和伤痕愈合,对干燥和成熟的皮肤非常地好,用作防皱纹。
Skinfold calipers in general are not accurate or inaccurate, it*s the person doing the test that is accurate or inaccurate. 肌肉测试仪总体上不会不精确或不正确,而是人们做测试不精确或不正确。
Skinning and other geometry processing can be done on SPE while RSX does pixel rendering. SPE可以进行皮肤和其他几何物体运算,而同时RSX则负责像素渲染这块。
Skins : Clicking this link allows you to set the current skin (discussed in Chapter 7). “皮肤”:点击该链接允许你设置当前的皮肤(在第7章中讨论)。
Skip Bayless.. seriously his opinions are so stupid. 说实话他的观点傻的可以。
Skip reflections on inside (except total internal reflection) - this option is meant as a time saver, as it assumes that inside reflections are usually not that prominent in a rendering. 禁止内部反射(除完全纯粹内反射之外)这个设置用于内反射不作为主要效果的场景。
Skip the first chapter and start on page 25. 跳过第一章,从第25页开始看.

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