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“There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men” (Lord Acton).

“There is delight in singing” (Walter Savage Landor). “歌声中体现出一些愉快”(沃尔特·萨维奇·兰道)。
“There is more to tell, and time is short. Walk with me, Avatar of Tranquility, and hear my words. “还有更多需要告诉你的,时间是这样的短。跟我来,宁静化身,我要你把我的每一个字牢记在心。”
“There is no agreement with Juventus and we have not discussed a new contract with any Italian or foreign club,” added the Romanian's representative. “我们与尤文图斯并未达成任何协议,并且我们与任何一家意大利和国外的球队未有任何新合同,”这名罗马尼亚国脚的经纪人说道。
“There is no agreement with Milan, the news that he will leave for £4.2m is totally groundless,” stated an unknown source inside the club. “我们还没有和米兰达成一致,关于我们接受了420万英镑的报价的新闻都是不真实的。”这是从皇马俱乐部方面传出来的消息。
“There is no country in which so absolute a homage is paid to wealth” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). “没有一个国家对财富显示如此绝对的敬意”(拉尔夫·华尔多·爱默生)。
“There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men” (Lord Acton). 在最能干的人中都找不出辩护者,没有比这更大的错误了(阿克顿爵士)。
“There is no evidence for long-range correlations of the stress field before large earthquakes. “没有证据说明大地震之前存在着应力场的长期相关性。”
“There is no need,but listen for me to call.If I blow upon the horn three times,you should come to help. “那倒没必要,但是注意听我的号令。如果我吹三次号角,你们就来帮忙。”
“There is no reason for (visa application costs) to be paid out of general taxation, and it will save £21 million,” a Home Office spokesman said. 引用英国移民局发言人的发言“没有理由要求英国政府来支付签证费所交纳的税收!”
“There is no substitute for hard work. 辛勤的工作是不会有代替品的。
“There is no such whetstone, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learning, as is praise” (Roger Ascham). “没有一种东西能象赞扬一样磨砺机敏的智力,鼓励求智的愿望”(罗杰·阿斯克姆)。

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