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My country right or wrong; when right, to keep her right; when wrong, to put her right.

My cough is rather troublesome today. 我今天咳嗽得很难受。
My counsels were unable to agree. 我的辩护律师们无法赞同。
My counterpart in the USA will visit China soon. 我在美国的同行很快就要访问中国了。
My country flag is Green White and Blue Gerrn meaning Agriculture, White Meaning Peace and Blue meaning sky and sea. 我的国旗(塞拉利昂)是由绿色,白色和蓝色组成。绿色意味着农业,白色代表和平,蓝色是指的天空和大海。
My country is rich in natural resources. 我国自然资源丰富。
My country right or wrong; when right, to keep her right; when wrong, to put her right. 我的国家不一定总是正确的;当它正确时,保持它的正确;当它错误时,促使它正确。
My country will submit its report between now and Kyoto. 我国将递交自己的报告,时间是京都会议召开之前。
My country wrong or right, is like saying my mother, drunk or sober. 我的国家错误或正确,就像说,我的母亲醉酒或清醒。
My country's greatest symbol to the world, the Statue of Liberty, was designed with great care. 对于世界来说,美国最伟大的象征是自由女神。自由女神是经过精心设计的。不知道你们看到过没有。
My country, right or wrong! 不问对不封,祖国就是祖国!
My countrymen have a very strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing which is a great contribution to the Olympic movement and ist history.I therefore hope from the bottom of my heart,that you distinguished IOC members,will help them rea 我的同胞也有在中国举办一次出色奥运会的强烈渴望,并将其看作是对奥林匹克历史的一个重大贡献,因此我衷心地希望尊敬的奥委会委员们能帮助他们实现这一期待已久的愿望。

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