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But this standard of living has come at a cost: the IMF says its public debt is too high and may be unsustainable.

But this should not be used by developed countries as an excuse to lighten or shirk their responsibilities towards the developing countries. 但这个不应该成为发达国家的借口,以此来减轻或者逃避自己对于发展中国家的责任。
But this sickness was too strong, and I knew the presentation would be too difficult for me, and I knew I could not give the audience the feeling I want to express. 但是这次的病痛真的太强烈,我知道如果去演讲会太勉强,因为我没有办法让听众感受到我想要表达的感觉。
But this smacks of desperation: Iran is already deeply engaged in Iraq, on the side of the Shias. 这能让有关各方更积极地参与伊拉克事务,继而促成其稳定。
But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified. 39耶稣这话是指着信他之人,要受圣灵说的,那时还没有赐下圣灵来,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀。
But this specialty is complied with future economy the need to develop, will raise for the society has the specialized theory and the practice skill extroversion higher professional technology talented person. 而本专业就是顺应未来经济发展的需要,为社会培养具有专业理论和实践技能的外向型高等职业技术人才。
But this standard of living has come at a cost: the IMF says its public debt is too high and may be unsustainable. 不过,达到这种生活水准是要付出代价的——国际货币基金组织说,该国国债过高,可能难以为继。
But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England. 但这种事态并没有持续下去。1066年,威廉率领的诺曼人打败了撒克逊人,开始了他们在英格兰的统治。
But this story begins with the most famous assassination in history. 本故事始于历史上最著名的一起暗杀事件------美国总统林肯遇刺事件。
But this strategy makes it much more difficult to design parts that are truly interchangeable and can be rearranged. 但这种策略却使得要设计出确实可互换、重排的组件更加困难。
But this summer this is not the issue bothering voters. 但是它并非这个夏天选民所关注的焦点。
But this survey will argue that the developing countries will not be prepared to go on financing America\'s massive current-account deficit for much longer. 但是,这份调查将指出,发展中国家并不准备长久地财政支持美国的大量当前账户赤字。

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