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The discovery of a second face on the Turin Shroud has again divided opinion.

The discovery is a new departure in physics. 这个发现是物理学上的一个新起点。
The discovery of Neptune and Pluto proved the importance of the law of universal gravitation. 海王星、冥王星的发现,显示了万有引力对研究天体运动的重要意义。
The discovery of Quaoar has again raised questions about Pluto. 夸欧尔的发现再一次引起有关冥王星的疑问。
The discovery of Swastika in almost all parts of the globe has given rise to so many interpretations. 差不多世界所有部分纳粹党所用的十字记号的发现引起了如此多的解释。
The discovery of a new monkey species in the mountains of Tanzania highlights the potential for uncovering a trove of as-yet unknown fauna in Africa, scientists who reported the find said. 这个新物种是由两支独立的科研小组在坦桑尼亚南部山区发现的,它向人们预示着,在非洲这片广袤的土地上,还有很多目前尚不为人所知的丰富的动物资源等待着人们去探索。
The discovery of a second face on the Turin Shroud has again divided opinion. 都灵裹尸布第二张脸的发现再一次有了分歧的观点。
The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system. 从星鼻鼹的体感觉具有中央窝的发现可推测,生物在建构高解析度的感觉系统时,这种结构模式是常见的演化解决方案。
The discovery of cheap land and labour drew in more than $500 billion of foreign money (mainly from Asia) that today drives China's export juggernaut; now foreign firms are crawling over China's domestic market, hard to crack but perhaps lucrative in plac 世人看到:低廉的土地和劳动力积累了高达5000亿美元的外汇储备,也造就了中国的海量出口;外国企业在中国市场上奋力掘金,屡遭挫折但也获利颇丰。
The discovery of exoplanets in binary and triple-star systems raises the prospect that the galaxy houses many more such objects than was previously thought. 从双星和三星系统中存在行星的发现中产生了这样一种观点,即银河系中包容的天体远比先前所认为的要多。
The discovery of how bronze is made was probably accidental, but it turned out to be an important event. 发现如何制造青铜可能是偶然的,但结果证明这是一项很重要的事情。
The discovery of large-scale and prehistorical human-settlement Xi he tan remains in Jiu quan, Gan su province is one of the most important progress in Chinese archaeology recently. 摘要甘肃酒泉西河滩遗址史前大型聚落遗存的发现,是近年来中国考古取得的重要成果之一。

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