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The young recruit was thrown out of the army because he wouldn't tow the line .

The young people will be the pillar of society. 年轻一代将是社会的栋梁。
The young pioneers lived in a little log cabin in the mountains during the summer camping. 少先队员们夏令营期间住在山里的一间小木屋里。
The young pitchers should be part of the basic game plan. 年轻投手们应该是球季计画的一部分。
The young politician's inexperience is making him the dupe of some unscrupulous schemers. 这位年轻政客的毫无经验使得他被一些无耻的阴谋家当作冤大头。
The young professor hide his light under a bushel and kept everything in low profile. 这位年轻的教授不露锋芒,做任何事,都以低姿态处理。
The young recruit was thrown out of the army because he wouldn't tow the line . 那年轻的新兵被踢出军队,因为他不守规则。
The young ruffian [hooligan] was advancing upon him, with a whip swinging in his hand. 小流氓朝他步步紧逼,手里摇晃着一条鞭子。
The young scientist took the shortest cut and boldly applied the theory to practice. 这位年青的科学家选择了一条最简捷的道路,勇敢地将这个理论应用到实践中。
The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration. 年轻的科学家们在探险期间遇到了许多困难。
The young servant is waiting upon his master to have dinner. 青年仆人正服侍他的主人进晚餐。
The young shoots, which are often vary straight, are used for fencing, charcoal burning, and firewood. 所长成的林木非常的比直,通常用作筑篱,染料和木材。

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