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The picturesque and fairylike Shuanghsi River mouth will become a graveyard where 4th Nuclear Power Plant discharges the high-temperature wastewater.

If this is indeed the case , then the current situation should make us ponder our futuer existence . 如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。
That is a very big duckling.she said, None of the others look like that. 她说:“那是一只非常巨大的鸭子,其他的小鸭没有一只看起来像他一样。
The good-hearted grandmother could not convincehim and she left by herself. 好心的老婆婆劝了半天也没有用,只好自己走了。
The picturesque and fairylike Shuanghsi River mouth will become a graveyard where 4th Nuclear Power Plant discharges the high-temperature wastewater. (请比对第24页核二厂出水口,以明悉变更后真相的背后,台电公司切勿睁眼说瞎话,自欺再欺人。)
everybody said, with disapprobation writ large upon their faces. 人人都这么说,一脸不赞成的神气。
he said, now silently touching his breast with his fist. 他说着,一边用拳头默默地捶击自己的胸口。
Eis a vowel letter. 字母e是母音字母。
Of course, replies the second man. 『没问题』第二位男子答。
3would be strong and full of passion for football, as he was abundantly nourished and had enjoyed waving his hands and kicking his feet in a warm covered place, without hurrying out of blond 1to (4) encounter this rainy winter, as well as black 1. 3would “三”将身强力壮,酷爱足球,因为他在一个保温覆盖之地饱食终日,手舞足蹈,根本不想从“金发一”中匆忙而出,去迎接多雨之冬和“黑发一”.“三”将是未来的天才,或许是又一个爱因斯坦,因为他是“其他二位”爱和智慧的结晶.在这个世界趋于一体化的时代,“三”将是地球村里最有资格的地球公民,因为他代表着儒家精神和笛卡尔精神最完满的结合.

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