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Avoid continued operation within the cavitation zone.

Avoid caffeine or alcohol; memorise your shopping list. 避免饮用咖啡因或酒精饮料;回忆你的购物清单。
Avoid code that relies on an assembly running from a particular location. 避免使用依赖于从特定位置运行的程序集的代码。
Avoid comments that explain the obvious. 避免对显而易见的内容作注释。
Avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine as well as foods that are heavy in fat and sugar, which meddle with a person's ability to fall asleep. 不要吃进太多咖啡因,和含有太多脂肪与磄的食物,这些会使你难以完全睡著。
Avoid contact with the fire ants. 尽量避免跟红火蚁接触.
Avoid continued operation within the cavitation zone. 避免在空穴区域内持续运行。
Avoid cooking food with a hard shell (e.g. eggs) or thick skin (e.g. potatoes) to prevent them from bursting during the cooking process. 避免烹煮有壳或厚皮的食物如鸡蛋及马铃薯,以防中途皮壳爆裂。
Avoid damaging effects of foreign matter in the flow by using a strainer ahead of the valve. 为了避免外来物质的破坏作用,要在阀门前面采用一个过滤器。
Avoid dating non-Christians – there are different goals. In most cases, the non-Christians will drag the Christian away from God rather than the other way around. 不要和非基督徒约会—基督徒和非基督徒的人生目标不同。在大多数情形下,往往是非基督徒使基督徒远离上帝,而不是基督徒把非基督徒带到上帝的面前。
Avoid defining custom exception classes. 避免定义自定义的异常类。
Avoid detection! 万勿被探测到!

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