Laws that may inhibit implementation of healthcare IT include fraud and abuse, antitrust, federal income tax, intellectual property, malpractice and state licensing. |
中文意思: 那些可能束缚医疗卫生信息技术实施的法规包括欺诈,滥用职权,反托拉斯,联邦税收,知识产权,渎职和国家许可。 |
Laws proposed by Islamic clerics currently being debated in parliament would also ban kissing in public, as well as erotic art and pornography.
这项由伊斯兰传教士提议的法规现在正在议会讨论,他不仅要禁止公共场所的接吻,还要禁止色情艺术和色情文学。 |
Laws protect the enjoyment of our rights.
法律保护我们享有权利。 |
Laws such as Arizona's will make life more unpleasant and unpredictable for illegal workers.
类似阿里桑纳州的法令还会使那些非法移民的生活更不愉快,前途更不可测了。 |
Laws that are unjust to one segment of society, that discriminate, repress, disenfranchise, and take the lives of one group in society are worthy of civil disobedience.
那些对社会一个部分不公正的,那些歧视,压制,剥夺公民权利,并使社会种的一个群体丧命的法律是值得违反的。 |
Laws that develop through case decisions by judges. Not enacted by legislative bodies.
普通法指的是由法官的案例判决发展而来的法律,它不同于立法机关颁布的法律。 |
Laws that may inhibit implementation of healthcare IT include fraud and abuse, antitrust, federal income tax, intellectual property, malpractice and state licensing.
那些可能束缚医疗卫生信息技术实施的法规包括欺诈,滥用职权,反托拉斯,联邦税收,知识产权,渎职和国家许可。 |
Laws that punish parents for their little children's actions against the laws get parents worried.
孩子违法,父母受罚,这样的法律使得父母亲很担忧。过去分词短语充当宾语补足语。 |
Laws, like houses, lean on one another.
法律像房子一样,倒下去都是成片的。 |
Laws, to be observed, need good habits on the part of the people.
遵守法律就是要求人们养成良好的习惯。 |
Lawsuits consume time, and money, and rest, and friends.
诉讼将消耗时间、金钱、休息和失去朋友。 |
Lawsuits from outraged secular employees are probably only a matter of time.
如此看来,来自气愤的不信仰宗教的雇员的诉讼可能仅仅是早或晚的问题。 |