Then we explore the developing characteristic of Chinese manufacturing industry in the strategic level and point out each enterprise should make different strategy by applying IE according to one's own situation.
然后从战略层次阐述了中国制造业发展的特征,指出各企业应根据自身的情况应用工业工程来确定发展策略。 |
Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other.
然后我们给他们喝四种不确定的可乐样品,一次一种,其中一组喝一般性可乐,另一组喝低糖可乐. |
Then we give a new classifying algorithm, establish its mathematical model and give the process of the solution to given model.
最后通过聚类过程算法,分几种情况求解出不完全类的数学解析表示,给出模型指标表达式的求解过程。 |
Then we go to another island where you will enjoy a couple of hours snorkeling. The number of different fishes adn beautiful corals will impress you.
然后我们就去另外一个岛屿,你可以享受两小时的浮潜。不同的鱼和美丽的珊瑚礁的数量会给你留下深刻的印象。 |
Then we got involved with trying to find polymers that attenuate radiation.
接著我们致力于找出能够减弱辐射的聚合物。」 |
Then we had a great meal consisting of aboriginal specialities.
之后我们享受了一顿原住民风味大餐。 |
Then we have a world of things to do, so long as there is light, in fact we hardly have time to look at one another a bit.
只要有点光线,我们就有满世界的事情要做,事实上我们几乎没有一点时间来注视对方。 |
Then we have the easel, with a very big tileable wood texture, UV-mapped so the repetition of the texture in the object is not obvious.
我们制作这个黑板架,给它上了一张非常大的花木质贴图,完全是按照UV贴图的方式循环使用的,所幸这并不很明显。 |
Then we have to furnish it.
然后我们还得鬃 潢摆设。 |
Then we introduce the basics of the theory of frames, which intuitively correspond to over complete, non-orthogonal systems of basis functions.
然后我们将完整的介绍架构理论的基础,亦即直观符合非正交系统的基本功能。 |
Then we know that especially thiazide diuretics and calcium antagonists are very well proven in the elderly women, for example, systolic hypertension, we have several trials.
我们知道噻嗪类利尿剂和钙离子拮抗剂在老年女性患者中的应用得到了证实,比如收缩期血压,我们有若干个临床试验。 |