O, thou art deceived; I would have made it short: for I was come to the whole depth of my tale; and meant, indeed, to occupy the argument no longer. |
中文意思: 啊,你错了;我的尾巴本来就要缩小了;我的话已经讲到了底,不想老占着位置啦。 |
O, all right,’ said the good-natured Rat, ‘rest away. It's pretty nearly pitch dark now, anyhow; and there ought to be a bit of a moon later.
“那好,”和善的河鼠说,“那就歇着吧。反正天已差不多全黑了,待会儿,该有点月光了。” |
O, have they!’ said Toad getting up and seizing a stick. ‘I'll jolly soon see about that!
“他们敢!”蟾蜍说,站起来,抓住一根棍子,“我马上就去教训他们!” |
O, she knew well thy love did read by rote and could not spell.
啊,罗瑟琳知道你对她的爱情完全抄着人云亦云的老调,你还没有读过恋爱入门的一课哩。 |
O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
啊!不要指着月亮起誓,这旨变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。 |
O, terrible bad, sir, terrible deep the snow is,’ said the hedgehog. ‘No getting out for the likes of you gentlemen to-day.
“噢,糟透了,先生,雪深得要命,”刺猬说。“像你们这样的大人先生,今儿个可出不了门儿。” |
O, thou art deceived; I would have made it short: for I was come to the whole depth of my tale; and meant, indeed, to occupy the argument no longer.
啊,你错了;我的尾巴本来就要缩小了;我的话已经讲到了底,不想老占着位置啦。 |
O,fie! What would they call an autumn morning that smiles through its ragged clouds ?
呸,那从破碎的云翳中露出微笑的秋之晨,他们要怎么说呢? |
O,fie! would they dare to call the full moon dirty because it has smudged its face with ink?
呸,他们敢骂满月肮脏吗,因为墨水也弄脏了它的脸? |
O,fie!What then would they call us who love you ?
呸,那我们如此喜爱你,他们要怎么说呢? |
O-Ring: Helps prevent stem leakage.
环:有助于防止轴泄漏。 |
O-Send have a team with profuse experience in photoelectric domain , with the advanced technology and equipment, the company meets customer needs by providing cutting-edge technology and services, from rapid prototyping to OEM/ODM design and manufacturing
在通信革命飞速发展的今天,先进的技术,优秀的团队,是我们的优势,一流的产品,完善的服务,是我们的目标,欧胜德的的每一位员工每天都在为客户提供最满意的产品和服务而努力! |