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Although Iran says its nuclear program will not be on the agenda, the U.S. is sure to broach the subject and to search for any slack in Tehran's bargaining position.

Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things). 我虽已退休, 但仍做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势.
Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things). 我虽已退休,但仍做些义务工作,以便了解当前的情势.
Although I've struggled with languages, I don't regret my bilingual upbringing in England. 尽管我学习中文作了不懈的斗争,我没有后悔在英国的双语教育的环境中长大。
Although Il Fenomeno has a history of physical problems, up until now his career with the Rossoneri had been relatively plain sailing. 即使有误诊的事情,直到现在他和俱乐部的关系是平静的.
Although Iran is a net exporter of oil, it is a net importer of refined products. 尽管伊朗是个石油净出口国,但它也是精炼石油产品的净进口国。
Although Iran says its nuclear program will not be on the agenda, the U.S. is sure to broach the subject and to search for any slack in Tehran's bargaining position. 尽管伊朗称《核计划将不列入对话议程,但美国必定要提出这个话题,并从德黑兰讨价还价立场中寻找任何有懈可击的环节。
Although Jack is not clever, he is hard working. 我的朋友们有很多零用钱,但我只有一点点。
Although James Cook,a British explorer,has often been called the discoverer of Australia,European explorers were not the first outsiders to visit Australia. 虽然历史中记载的是一位英国探险家詹姆斯·库克被称作澳大利亚发现者,但欧洲探险家不是第一个拜访澳大利亚的外国人。
Although Janet was afflicted with a bad cold, she kept on working. 尽管受重感冒的折磨,珍妮特仍然坚持工作。
Although Japan had a high price level, it was important to note that the exchange rate did not reflect purchasing power ~. 尽管日本拥有较高的价格水平,然而重要的是要注意汇率并没有反映购买力平价。
Although Japanese officials have stressed the importance of increasing Japan's independent intelligence gathering capacity, critics have said the current satellites will provide images that are far less sharp than those captured by American satellites or 虽然日本官员加强了增加日本独立情报收集能力的重要性,评论家仍然表示,现在的人造卫星所提供的影像远不能与美国卫星(甚至是美国商业卫星)所捕获的信息相提并论。

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