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She distinguished herself as a great lawyer.

She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity. 她不喜欢发生在电视名人身上发生的隐私侵犯。
She dismissed talk of a new Cold War despite unease in Washington about Putin's criticism of US foreign policy. 赖斯于周一抵达莫斯科,尽管在华盛顿方面对于普京批评美国外交政策感到不安,但是她否认了存在“新冷战”的说法。
She disobeyed her mother and went to the party. 她不听母亲的劝告,去参加了那次聚会。
She displayed great fixity of purpose. 她目标始终如一.
She disposed of the champion in straight sets. 她一盘未输战胜了冠军.
She distinguished herself as a great lawyer. 她作为一个杰出的律师而闻名于世。
She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery. 她因头脑冷静、敢作敢为而为人称道。
She dive below the surface, then bob up like a cork again a few second later. 她潜入水中,几秒钟後像软木塞一样又浮了上来。
She dive below the surface, then bob up like a cork again a few second later. 她潜入水中,几秒钟后像软木塞一样又浮了上来。
She dived below the surface, then bobbed up like a cork again a few seconds later. 她潜入水中, 几秒钟後像软木塞一样又浮了上来.
She dived below the surface, then bobbed up like a cork again a few seconds later. 她潜入水中,几秒钟后像软木塞一样又浮了上来.

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